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Weighted Hula Hoops are Dangerous

Miss B

#savealife and do not use weighted hula hoops.

There is a huge difference between weighted hula hoops and large sized hula hoops.

Large sized hula hoops are great for learning how to hula hoop on your waist, but weighted and heavy hula hoops are typically dangerous for your body.

The Mayo Clinic did not do their research and instead amped out the fluffiest little article about hula hoops, in general, as to get a greater web search engine reach.

Unfortunately, the Mayo Clinic's information will absolutely get you hurt and likely injured, because weighted dual hoops bruise y9our skin and your organs.

Here is what the Mayo Clinic assumes:

"Weighted hula hoops can be a good addition to your exercise program, even if you're only able to hula hoop for a few minutes at a time a couple times during the day. In fact, any type of hula hooping, using a weighted hula hoop or a regular hula hoop, can help you meet your exercise goals and provide aerobic activity."

Okay, lets' review and break down this hula hoop mess...

"Weighted hula hoops can be a good addition to your exercise program, even if you're only able to hula hoop for a few minutes at a time a couple times during the day."

What the Mayo Clinic really means is...

Weighted hula hoops can help you understand the rhythmic engagement your body needs to begin to start hula hooping on your body, notable your tummy or waist. After you understand that rhythmic engagement for hula hooping, you stop using the weighted hula hoop forever.

A weighted hula hoop is going to do all the work for you, showing you the motion. You will never receive a workout or exercise using a weighted hula hoop, but you will receive bruises.

You are urged to try and hula hoop with a Large Sized Hula Hoop rather than a weighted hula hoop as to learn how to begin hula hooping.

Okay let's keep going...

"In fact, any type of hula hooping, using a weighted hula hoop or a regular hula hoop, can help you meet your exercise goals and provide aerobic activity."

Yikes. They are saying 2 different types of hula hoops are the same thing - apples and oranges, right?

What the Mayo Clinic really means is...

Hula hooping using regular or lightweight hula hoop can help you meet your exercise goals and provide aerobic activity. Hula hooping with a heavy weighted hula hoop will not help you meet your exercise goals nor will provide aerobic activity, but it will provide internal and external bruising. Hula hooping with a weighted hula hoop for exercise should not be used and a lightweight hula hoop should be used for exercise and working out.

Weighted hula hoops hurt your body. If your hula hoop has ridges on it, water inside of it, or weight added to it, please do not use that hula hoop.


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