Drugs & Supplements
Before I begin down the amazing rabbit hole that is life changing supplementation and the effects of drugs, I need to deeply inform and advise the following: I am not a medical professional. I am not telling you what to do or not do with your body. I am not directly recommending anything I mention in my podcast episodes; I am sharing stories and research data and you can choose how to or to not use that information on forward. I may slip in an opinion or two; excuse my lack of control; I am yet to become the aged wisdom and controlled sage many find in older years; I am still a bit of a spring chicken with a very clucking mouth at times.
The research information I will be putting forth in today's episode as well as most others derive from two sources: PubMed aka The National Library of Medicine and for today's supplements I enjoyed resources from examine.com. I also enjoy paid-for resources such as the Positive Psychology database, which is more so used in regards to Goals, Habits, Career refinement and development, and redirecting general Behaviors.
For today, we are talking about supplements and natural occurring things we can consume to alter our state of reality, how we feel, as well as affect our energy, stress, and calmness levels. Today we are highlighting depression, anxiety, and the ability to fall asleep as well as stay asleep. About 1 month from now I will be releasing a From Struggle to Success episode dedicated to holistic, natural, and alternative SSRI’s - truly a life changing podcast episode even for me. A few episodes after, I will dedicate a great amount of time towards all the rest - herbs, adaptogens, and anything else I may have missed or feel necessary to double down on because I probably found amazing new supporting research.
In between this podcast and the upcoming for SSRIs I will be interviewing a business owner that offers microdosing to her clients. She has requested to not be filmed, and so for all you YouTubers I have an awesome moving graphic for all of us to enjoy with the audio.
I am going to toss in two herbs right now that I intake daily and appreciate vastly.
Obviously, I am not a patient woman in this regard and need to blurt them out. One herb is for energy and the other for rest. Yes you can grow these to dry and make into tea: holy basil aka tulsi and lemon balm.
If you want quick access or clearer information on the substances I am talking about today or any week, go on over to the blog at Breezi Lifestyle and there you will find I have linked my favorite products in every blog post, notably at the bottom of the posts you will find the greatest offerings.
Are you ready for this life changing content?
I am immensely excited to get going, so lets!
The first one I am sharing is a brain buster, because I know people first hand that swear they benefit from its relaxing benefits. Well, what even rocked my brain boat was that 7 studies were conducted on this highly anticipated sleep aid. Unfortunately, Valerian is found to have no benefit to sleep whatsoever. These researchers very clearly tried to find…any positive associations or correlation. Check all this out:
2 out of 7 studies had insufficient data; no strong conclusions could be made at all.
Looked at 2 different doses and still no effects; impacted a whole lot of nothing inside of us in regards to sleep and all the various mechanisms and chemicals inside of us.
Smells intensely like dirty feet. Better when mixed with honey.
If you enjoy a placebo effect from Valerian by all means continue to consume it.
Though my partner swears that Valerian calms him down and he finds relaxation after taking it, I just offered him an entire bottle of it, and he declined after I reported my findings. Need I say more?
Did you know, there are two things possibly in your kitchen right now that could change how you sleep. I absolutely did not believe it until I dived into the research my Self; not even my favorite researchers and podcast professors could convince me of this natural life magic without seeing the confounding data on my own. I immediately bought both items as soon as I laid eyes on the research.
Tart Cherries and whole Kiwi Fruit could possibly be a sleep aid game changer, and it's obviously already available over the counter, even at most farmers markets!
Tart Cherries (juice or supplements)
Increases the amount of sleep by large percentages 33% to 80%!
Available as a capsule but beware of the dosage issues with most companies.
Increases day time napping, too. Be mindful of your adenosine and need it for sleep at night.
Tart cherries have a small amount of both melatonin and tryptophan, an amino acid used in production of serotonin and melatonin.
Small study shows improved sleep time of insomniacs by 84 minutes.
“Tart cherries have different enzymes in them, and keep the tryptophan in the body longer,” says Czerwony. “Not only does it get you to sleep sooner, but it keeps you asleep longer.”
I take 3000mg before bed with L-Theanine + 2g Inositol + Goddess Chocolate Milk.
Kiwi (entire fruit + skin)
Only 1 published study: Decrease the speed of time to fall asleep. Stay asleep longer and spend less time awake at night.
Animal study: similar phenotype. Mice fell asleep faster and slept longer. Sleep duration increases. Mechanism of GABA can block the benefit of kiwi, meaning that perhaps part of kiwi fruit benefit is mediated by the brain's natural inhibitory brain system.
Studies have shown that the stimulation of serotonin levels may in turn increase melatonin levels. The presence of a relatively high concentration of serotonin in kiwifruit may contribute to its apparent ability to improve sleep.
After 4 weeks of eating 2 kiwi fruits 1 hour before bed , the subjective CPSQI score (Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), waking time after sleep onset, and sleep onset latency were significantly decreased (42.4%, 28.9%, and 35.4%, respectively). Total sleep time and sleep efficiency were significantly increased (13.4% and 5.41%, respectively).
Kiwifruit consumption may improve sleep onset, duration, and efficiency in adults with self-reported sleep disturbances.
100-200mg - turns off mind and helps wind down. I have seen it paired with passion flower.
Might be seen in energy drinks, it reduces jitters. Very vivid dreams; sleep walkers beware.
L-theanine can positively impact the key neurotransmitters (brain chemical messengers) involved with stress, sleep, mood, focus, and memory. L-theanine enhances the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, and also appears to play a role in the formation of GABA – a neurotransmitter that acts like a "brake" during times of stress. L-theanine helps establish balance in the neurotransmitter system, resulting in improvements in the mental/emotional and physical disturbances resulting from being overly stressed.
Serotonin converts to melatonin in the pineal gland in your brain, improving serotonin levels ultimately results in improved melatonin levels, which in turn supports restful sleep. In one study, 30 healthy adults were given either 200 mg L-theanine or a placebo daily for four weeks. The participants taking theanine took less time to fall asleep, had fewer sleep disturbances, and took fewer sleep medications, compared to the placebo group. Those taking L-theanine also had improved mental clarity, measured by verbal fluency.
L-theanine enhances brain alpha-wave activity, a marker of relaxation. This effect has been observed to be most pronounced in individuals subjectively feeling the highest levels of stress.
In one study, healthy participants were given 50 mg L-theanine or a placebo, and brain waves were measured after taking the supplement and 45, 60, 90, and 105 minutes later. Alpha-wave production was significantly higher in the L-theanine group compared to the placebo group.
In an animal study using brain wave analysis to evaluate sleep, a combination of L-theanine and GABA worked better than either alone in terms of time it took to fall asleep and sleep duration.
In general, L-theanine should be considered, along with exercise, a good sleep routine, and stress reduction practices to cope with stress and support restful sleep.
If you listened to the previous podcast posts in regards to reclaiming your sleep as well as using substances such as Marijuana and Alcohol in the evening, or if you decided to take back control and upgrade your life via the new Reclaim More than Your Sleep Course on the website, you definitely know about the reality of Melatonin.
Per always, I am sharing this information not to piss you off, turn you off, or make you feel like you have made mistakes. Rather, I share information alongside my life stories to show that we can always make better choices than the day prior. With an adaptive growth mindset, we see the value in lessons learned and greater information absorbed.
Moving on to good ol’ Melatonin. She’s very common to talk about, but perhaps should not be common to take as a supplement. This being said, I will take melatonin to assist with my struggling low levels of serotonin, which in turn assists with creating sufficient melatonin within my pineal gland.
Lifestyle choices and success is not just about consuming healthy things. Lifestyle success comes from making choices that support the whole system that is our body and our reality. How I use the hormone melatonin to support my neural chemicals is a great example of a healthy lifestyle choice.
We make it endogenously/naturally. Melatonin kicks in before closing eyes and going to bed.
As dusk is approaching, melatonin starts to rise. Inhibited by light. We make it our entire life.
The brain has a central master 24 hour clock and keeps internal time. Not totally precise, but levels reset each day. This clock uses melatonin to communicate to our body to be awake or to be asleep; crucial for internal signal communication. Melatonin tells body time to go to sleep, but does not ensure sleep for the entire night.
Melatonin is not helpful as a sleep aid. Meta analysis shows that melatonin will only increase total amount of sleep by 3.9 MINUTES. Melatonin will only increase sleep efficiency by 2.2%.
Melatonin absolutely squashes puberty - do not take it as a teenager.
Serotonin converts to melatonin in the pineal gland in your brain, improving serotonin levels ultimately results in improved melatonin levels, which in turn supports restful sleep.
0.1 and 0.3 mg of Melatonin is a good safe dose, but not necessary unless elderly.
Tryptophan and Serotonin
Some humans may fall asleep easier but dreams are ridiculously vivid. Afterwards, there are several days of insomnia. For SOME it can knock them out, and this is likely due to their chemical imbalances. Recall melatonin and serotonin, for example.
Supplementing with serotonergic agents is not beneficial for sleep. This can change the natural absorption of the brain's natural releases. During REM serotonin is shut off; it needs to be. Acetylcholine goes up when we REM. If serotonin is up, then Acetylcholine can't go up when it needs to for REM. Artificially fragmenting REM sleep if serotonin levels are up during sleeping.
It’s time we talk about mama Magnesium.
Essentially, Adults should aim to consume 310–420 milligrams (mg) of magnesium per day, depending on age, sex, and whether or not they are lactating. It’s important we break down the differences and benefits. Below you will find outstanding research data points to take seriously and decide to apply to your life:
Magnesium L Threonate
The average brain age of the magnesium group decreased by about 9 years, while the placebo group had little change. This is significant for Alzheimers.
There was a significant reduction in cognitive impairment. More specifically, the magnesium group experienced positive changes in four cognitive areas: attention, working memory, episodic memory, and executive function. Threonate may be more energy rather than calming.
Both brain and body magnesium levels increased by taking Threonate.
When it comes to safety, side effects were only classified as mild.
It may be the case that only if you are deficient will it help you sleep better. Uses transporters in the body to bring on more drowsiness. Consume 30 to 60 min before sleep. Maybe we are all slightly deficient? It is relaxing and certainly necessary. Can help sleep return back to normal. Still needs more data.
Magnesium Glycinate
Enhances sleep quality as well as various neurological functions.
Glycine may have a role in preventing and treating metabolic disorders in patients suffering from obesity, diabetes, cancer, chronic inflammation, and cardiovascular disease.
Magnesium has a strong affinity with GABA receptors, which is why chelating magnesium with taurine makes it a potent relaxing compound, helping ease stress & improving sleep quality.
Magnesium Taurate
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on elderly subjects suffering from insomnia, the researchers found that magnesium taurate helped improved the following:
Insomnia severity index, sleep time, sleep efficiency, early morning awakening
The concentration of melatonin, serum renin, and serum cortisol
Common health benefit between taurine and magnesium is effects on heart health & blood pressure:
A meta-analysis found that taking 300mg of magnesium daily for 30 days helped increase blood magnesium and reduce blood pressure. The same effect (a decrease in high blood pressure) was also observed in obese women.
Likewise, oral taurine supplementation in hypertensive patients helped reduce hypertension symptoms. Diabetic patients also experienced a reversal in arterial stiffness and brachial artery reactivity.
Magnesium Chloride
Research from 2017, appearing in the journal PLoS One, found that a 6-week course of magnesium chloride led to a significant reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms.
I’d love to know what your experience with chamomile or scientifically known as adigenin. Do you feel like it calms or relaxes you? Do you like to drink it in the evening as a tea? Have you found it gives you positive or negative effects? I have found it can give me whole body cramps.
Unfortunately, the research findings are, well, unfortunate. At least the ones I dug into.
Apigenin (from chamomile)
Mild sedative. Subjective results, unclear data.
Most studies conclude chamomile is not a useful sleep aid.
Research has suggested that kava may cause liver damage. Appears to be hepatotoxic.
Can not be consumed alongside alcohol whatsoever.
Induces euphoria, promotes feelings of contentment. Reduces stress and improves mood.
Major challenges lie in the diversity of kava products and the lack of standardization.
Anti-inflammatory effects and potential for ameliorating certain inflammation-related diseases.
The most recent clinical trial of kava consumption for GAD patients, consisting of 171 participants undergoing 16-week kava use, observed no significant differences in anxiety reduction between kava consumption and placebo groups.
In the 1960s, it was clinically used to treat epilepsy. Studies by Steiner suggest that kava may reduce substance cravings of abuse, such as alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, and heroin. Kava has also been used as part of addiction rehabilitation programs in New Zealand with a reported 90% success rate. Kava consumption appears to be clinically non-addictive.
Kava consumption has also been reported with improvements in recognition memory tasks and enhanced accuracy and performance in visual attention and working memory tasks. The anxiolytic and antidepressant activities were not associated with safety concerns.
Sleep-inducing and improving effects, with increased deep sleep periods and sleep spindle activity. Similar results were observed in patients with non-psychotic anxiety-related sleep disorders and they consumed 200 mg kava/day. Sleep disorders are common in the general population, particularly in various neuroinflammatory and neuropsychiatric disorders. The potential for kava’s sleep-improving effects warrant further investigations in future research.
Nations with high kava consumption - Vanuatu, Fiji and Western Samoa - have much lower cancer rates in comparison to non-kava-drinking countries. Men had lower rates of cancer than women, opposite to general trends elsewhere because kava is mainly consumed by men.
I am excited to share my findings and use of Kratom in the upcoming SSRI podcast.
I consider Kratom to be the energetic brother to its more calm Kava sister.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Potent cortisol inhibitor. Best known for its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and stress-relieving effects.
Take a break after 2 weeks of consistent use.
Well-tolerated and improves sleep quality and sleep onset latency in patients with insomnia at a dose of 300 mg extract twice daily.
Ashwagandha extract was also found to improve mental alertness on rising and anxiety level, but no significant effect on quality of life. No serious side effects were reported.
I mentioned this earlier; I take ashwagandha every evening around 7:30pm along with Inositol, Shatavari, and L-theanine. I take Shatavari alongside Ashwagandha as I personally know my T levels as of 1 year ago were through the roof; they were almost as high as a woman's should be. Shatavari is the powerful “female” plant that is parallel to the powerful “male” plant that is ashwagandha, in my words. If you’d like to check out what yummy chocolate milk-like drink I am enjoying most evenings, hop on over to the blog or use the link in the bio to get that yummy read in your life.
I want to talk about one pro sleep behavior that does not cost any money and is readily available to us at any time.
Consensual partner or self sex that results in orgasm is totally a sleep tool for benefit.
Sufficient sleep can help your relationship and sex quality, beyond mood improvement.
And, sex with orgasm can help your relationship, mood, and sleep quality.
It’s a beautiful cycle that truly can feel good!
When we sleep well, we feel good.
When we orgasm, we sleep better and feel good.
When we feel good, we sleep better and want to do more.
Did you know? Our sex hormones of estrogen, FSH, testosterone are diminished and below healthy levels if not sleeping good. Our hormone levels are significantly disrupted by poor sleep. Women's menstrual cycles are disrupted, too. Sleep is not only the foundation to life but a massive emotional therapy session every night or as some call it “free emotional first aid.”
Restless nights lead to far more fights. Just saying!
Empathy plummets when not sleeping regularly; more abrasive than agreeable.
Sleep has a dramatic impact on a healthy and loving relationship.
When we orgasm, by our Self or with another, we enjoy a beneficial cocktail of hormones.
What's happening when we orgasm?
First, endorphins, the body's natural pain-killing hormones, activate the body's opiate receptors which make you feel happier and more relaxed. Then, hormones like vasopressin and oxytocin counteract stress hormones and help you fall asleep faster. Afterwards, Norepinephrine and serotonin help your body get into a flow of REM sleep cycles to help you stay asleep.
Sure, orgasm is not found in stores or online, but you always have it within you.
I do hope you enjoyed this lofty and only preliminary first podcast on natural, holistic, and alternative approaches to alleviating the effects and offering daily relief for depression, anxiety, and sleep.
Please feel open to contribute positively to the youtube comment section. We can make it truly a great place for community to develop and converge to share stories, insights, struggles, successes, and awesome findings. The comment section is heavily monitored by my team, and not by me, thanks to years of previous abuse and harassment. Podcast to come on that. Breezi Lifestyle does not condone bullying, harassment, abusive language, and shutting down other people's ideas and real life experiences. We are all in this together. We should always strive to do better and be more. We can create the reality we feel good in or the reality we end up complaining about everyday. It's always your choice. We still have free choice in this growingly disconnected world, please exercise its power with care as well as gusto.
All the best and YOU GOT THIS.
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Research and data sources from The National Library of Medicine aka [PMC] PubMed
Kava: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7600512/
Apigenin: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6472148/