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Dig Deep, B Honest

Miss B

I had to step back and help my self the same way I have been helping my clients for years.

My vision, my B.Print, was blurred though still slightly in focus.

My depression grew with each year that went by, regardless of my successes.

Every passing year meant one more year not working in child development, the career realm I successfully started off in. And the career in which I have felt most fulfilled in.

10 years down the road and I am feeling pretty F*ing empty.

10 years down the road I am convinced I am the farthest away from fulfillment and passion.

But WTF!? My bank account is fat, my house is full of exotic plants, I have an amazing tea collection and gorgeous backyard, I entirely redefined relationships, and yet I AM DEPRESSED.

Why B? Why be depressed when you are so F*ing successful?

Check This ➦ My vision of success is not defined solely by items and money - my vision of success has super always included helping others.

A huge part of my B.Print is to help and serve.

2 years ago you might remember I set off on a mission to help at-risk low income communities focusing on teen youths. My Learn to Work program I wanted to offer would be a phenomenal and big first step into solid independent adulthood for teens, whilst learning fundamental skills that can be used for a lifetime in the home and on the job. It was also my approach to working within my passion again, this was my approach back to fulfillment.

I set out on the mission to develop and launch the Learn to Work program in the St Pete area almost 2 years ago.

At the beginning of this year I have accepted the program will not ever come to exist.

The school system does not support expanding their offerings, in fact, they are working hard to continue to limit education and special programs. My countless meetings have taught me too much that I don't like nor agree with for the health and education of our children. I am wholly disappointed in the public education system. I will leave it at that.

And so I felt stripped entirely down and naked to my depressed core. That was my IN to my fulfilled life gosh darnit!!! That was supposed to be my answer.

Alas, my mindset was far too fixed. Totally fixed, in fact.

I let go of the idea I was never going to hire adult humans again. And, I started hiring only the best. I revised the contract terms and only accepted humans that I 1000% were yes about. In the past, I said yes to many people that actually needed my help in one way or another. As much as I want to help others, helping an employee earn my money is not my job. A major redirect and rewrite for boss B.

Okay, so, what about my passion to help and/or teach!?

WELL HUZZAH you may already have seen that answer or figured it out!

I have enjoyed motivating individuals through social media for years.

Because I am extremely inherently helpful and packed full of real life experiences + education, my assistance has organically turned into coaching [mainly] locals for about 2 years now.

What you may not have known: I have always wanted to be a motivational speaker.

It is my lifelong passion and for my entire sophomore year of college my bedroom walls were committed to this. But, then I got distracted by environmental issues and well I think you know where that went! *eco friendly clothing line*

But alas the real issue is not in environmentalism and what we do in our homes and how we throw things away, it is in our psychology…which is in us.

We are not wrong or broken for this. Actually, we were trained to be this way.

We have been trained to have a limited perception. A fixed mindset.

Humans are so cool though that we can F*ing rewire our brains and take back control of our thoughts, how we feel about life, and what the F we do in life.

So coming full F*ing circle -> I had to help my self the way I help my clients.

I needed to deconstruct what I thought my issue(s) were to see what the F was really going on deep down.

And deep down: I just want to help people.

The deconstruction showed me it didn't have anything to do with the Learn to Work program, environmentalism, child development and parenting, hiring certain people, and so on.

And so that is what the F I am going to do, on the greatest scale I possibly can, I am going to continue to help people.


Breezi Lifestyle is a social media avenue where we come together to B more, think about things more, take on fear way more than we ever would before, and find that our greatest authentic reality is super available to us NOW but we just have to stay 100% true to our vision. Our B.Print.

I got distracted along the way.

10 years of figuring out life and business led me through the most valuable experiences one could not ever pay for.

I could not B more excited to continue to share how to obtain total lifestyle success for overall satisfaction in career, relationships, health, and your day to day.

A new course is rolling out soon on how the F to actually rewire our brains, examine and pin point both our pain points as well as points of vision, get on track and stay on track for a lifetime, and move through life fulfilled and enjoying continual abundance.

Thank you so much for being on this journey with me.

I am here to help you on yours!

All the best today beebs!


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  • Breezi


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