Hoop Diameter Size Help Assistancec gHwc Gnar Hoops Happy world Clothing belly button hoop rule is not safe most safe hoop size most safe best hoop type safest hoop diametr best hoop size selecting your best hula hoop diameter size the circle size of your hoop is very important for developemtn trick growth manipulations hoop engagement hoop learning skills trick development and advancement hoop help hoop size best size for hoop tricks hoop supplies best for hooping outdoor hooping indorr hoopign best workout hula hoop best workout hula hoop size safest workout hula hoop most important hula hoop for fitness workout Hoop Diameter Size Help Assistancec gHwc Gnar Hoops Happy world Clothing belly button hoop rule is not safe most safe hoop size most safe best hoop type safest hoop diametr best hoop size selecting your best hula hoop diameter size the circle size of your hoop is very important for developemtn trick growth manipulations hoop engagement hoop learning skills trick development and advancement hoop help hoop size best size for hoop tricks hoop supplies best for hooping outdoor hooping indorr hoopign best workout hula hoop best workout hula hoop size safest workout hula hoop most important hula hoop for fitness workout Hoop Diameter Size Help Assistancec gHwc Gnar Hoops Happy world Clothing belly button hoop rule is not safe most safe hoop size most safe best hoop type safest hoop diametr best hoop size selecting your best hula hoop diameter size the circle size of your hoop is very important for developemtn trick growth manipulations hoop engagement hoop learning skills trick development and advancement hoop help hoop size best size for hoop tricks hoop supplies best for hooping outdoor hooping indorr hoopign best workout hula hoop best workout hula hoop size safest workout hula hoop most important hula hoop for fitness workout Hoop Diameter Size Help Assistancec gHwc Gnar Hoops Happy world Clothing belly button hoop rule is not safe most safe hoop size most safe best hoop type safest hoop diametr best hoop size selecting your best hula hoop diameter size the circle size of your hoop is very important for developemtn trick growth manipulations hoop engagement hoop learning skills trick development and advancement hoop help hoop size best size for hoop tricks hoop supplies best for hooping outdoor hooping indorr hoopign best workout hula hoop best workout hula hoop size safest workout hula hoop most important hula hoop for fitness workout Hoop Diameter Size Help Assistancec gHwc Gnar Hoops Happy world Clothing belly button hoop rule is not safe most safe hoop size most safe best hoop type safest hoop diametr best hoop size selecting your best hula hoop diameter size the circle size of your hoop is very important for developemtn trick growth manipulations hoop engagement hoop learning skills trick development and advancement hoop help hoop size best size for hoop tricks hoop supplies best for hooping outdoor hooping indorr hoopign best workout hula hoop best workout hula hoop size safest workout hula hoop most important hula hoop for fitness workout the truth about hula hoops, are weighted hoops safe, are weighted hoops best?, do i want a light or heavy hoop?, what is the best hoop, light hoops, weighted hoops, the hoop truth, hoop facts, the real truth of hula hoops, the real hoop facts, hoop help, hoops 101, best hoop selection, most trusted hoop info, researched hoop info, hoop research, hoop tubing info, what hoop tubing is toxic, non toxic hula hoops, some hula hoops are toxic, is your hula hoop toxic, is you rhula hoop safe, best kid hoop, light or weighted hoop for kids?, do you need to hula hoop, hoop oops, bought the wrong hoop, buy the right hoop, get the right hoop the first time, first hoo purchase, buying my first hoop, i want to become a hula hooper, famous hoopers, famous hoop shop, popular hula hoop store, hoop stire, madison hoop shop, madison hoop store, united states hoop store, worldwide hoop shop
Hula Hoop Tubing Types
Best for: The absolute best hula hoop tubing type for beginner hula hoopers and those that need to learn how to hula hoop on their waist. 7/8" HDPE is a hybrid size that is popular or beginner hula hoopers and hoop dancers. The tubing is slightly thicker, offering 1 to 2 more ounces of weight which assist with slowing down the flow. Use code GETFIT for 15% off your hula hoop. SHOP HOOPS
Size Restriction: 30" OD and smaller
Connections: Push Button, Double Rivet
Coil Down Collapse Size: 35" and up
Best for: Lightning fast, featherweight hooping. Ultra lightweight and intensely responsive polypro tubing for an extreme hooping experience. For advanced tricksters, exploring tosses and outer body manipulations, and very fast on-body hooping. Considered "noodle-like" and bouncy when at larger diameter.
Size Restriction: 25" OD and smaller
Connections: Push Button NOT Available
Coil Down Collapse Size: Will collapse at any hoop size
Best for: 5/8" Polypro is best for hula hoopers desiring to downsize from 3/4" Polypro and upgrade to a faster hooping experience with a featherlight hula hoop. 5/8" polypro offers greater trick development of off-body manipulations, geometry, and tech. Best tubing option for double hooping, mini hoops, and learning three-beat-weave. For intermediate to advanced hoopers. Use code GETFIT for 15% off your hula hoop. SHOP HOOPS
Connections: Friction Fit, Push Button, 1 or 2 Rivets
Coil Down Collapse Size: 26" and greater
Best for: Beginner hooping after learning to tummy hoop. 3/4" Polypro is the ultimate go-to selection for hula hooping and entering the hoop dance world. Perfectly lightweight for actually engaging your muscular core and giving your body a workout, and appropriately sized plastic for handling. Your hoop development dream circle. The perfect hoop for any type of hooper.
Size Restriction: 37" and smaller
Connections: Friction Fit, Push Button, 1 or 2 Rivets
Coil Down Collapse Size: 34" and greater
Best for: Beginner hooping and outdoor hooping in cold weather. 7/8" HDPE is a special hybrid plastic hoop for beginner hooping and kid hoops. Heavy enough to help your inner-rhythm and core properly engage, and lightweight enough to NOT bruise your skin and organs, still teaching your body the correct way to move with your hoop. 7/8" HDPE is recommended over black PE tubing. 3/4" HDPE is a great tubing choice for hula hoopers that just aren't ready for 3/4" Polypro, but they know they want to transition, introducing their body to a bit less weight.Use code GETFIT for 15% off your hula hoop. SHOP HOOPS
Size Restrictions: 38" and smaller
Best for: Kids, dog tricks, and beginner hooping. Also a great travel hoop and very affordable. BE SURE your PE hoop is nontoxic; Breezi's Hoop Dance Classes' surely is nontoxic. PE tubing is considered bouncy, the experience in between 3/4" Polypro and 3/4" HDPE. It is recommended to opt for HDPE tubing, as most hoopers quickly transition away from PE hoop tubing all together.
Size Restrictions: 37" and smaller
Connections: Friction Fit, Push Button, 1 or 2 Rivets
Coil Down Collapse Size: 30" and greater
Beginner Hoop Help
Divide your total height, in inches, in half; this diameter may be your ultimate go to. For now add 2-3"
I.E. 5' = 60"/2= 30" +3 = 33" diameter
Mini Hoop Help
20" is an exceptional good start, offering tech and flow
Do not exceed distance from armpit when holding hoop
Developmentally, heavy hoops are not safe. So, why do they exist? Simply put, a continuation of incorrect information can grow and become true, and when research was not readily available "back in the day", people opted for what FELT easy and not what size(s) were truly BEST.
The truth is, lightweight hoops are most safe for your body inside and out, offering the greatest benefits from physical to emotional. Lightweight hula hoops will not damage your skin or inner organs, which is a reality of weighted hula hoops. Breezi's Dance Hoops are professional-grade hoops that are non-toxic to assure substantial benefits and reduce risk.